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Pathfinder: Owning Your Leadership Journey

November 18-22, 2024 (Online, in English) 

Pathfinder: Owning Your Leadership Journey is an immersive weeklong online course designed for emerging and accomplished leaders searching for meaning, impact and fulfillment in their professional endeavors. It helps participants discover their unique strengths and values, exploring what makes them effective as leaders. The cohort-based course guides them in intentionally shaping their career paths through engaging lessons, personal assessments, and interactive sessions. After the course week, participants can book one personal 1:1 career coaching session with Anita Zielina.

Whether you’re searching for your next management opportunity, wanting to reshape your current role, increase your impact and influence in your organization, or looking at starting your entrepreneurial journey, this course will help bring clarity and focus. By the end of the week, participants will have the tools and confidence to find or design the leadership role that fits them perfectly, taking the next step toward owning their leadership journey with purpose and passion.

Course Overview

Day 1: Analyzing Your Career Path and Leadership Journey

Get to know your fellow participants and dive deep into your professional history to understand the pivotal moments that have shaped your leadership style. This introspective analysis will help you identify patterns, strengths, and areas for growth, setting the foundation for a more intentional and informed career journey.

Day 2: Strengths and Strength-Based Leadership

Discover and harness your unique strengths to become a more effective leader. This session focuses on recognizing your core competencies and leveraging them to inspire and lead your team with confidence and authenticity. Participants will analyze the CliftonStrengths Leadership Assessment they took before the course.

Day 3: Professional Values, Vision and Mission

Align your professional goals with your personal values using the IKIGAI framework. Explore how a clear vision and mission can drive your leadership purpose and create a fulfilling career path that resonates with your core beliefs.

Day 4: Frameworks for Career Decision-Making

Equip yourself with robust decision-making frameworks to navigate complex career choices. This day is dedicated to providing you with practical tools and strategies to make informed, confident decisions that align with your long-term leadership goals.

Day 5: What’s Next? Mapping Out Your Leadership Journey

Plan the next steps of your leadership journey with a clear, actionable roadmap. Reflect on the insights gained throughout the course and outline a strategic plan to continue your growth and achieve your leadership aspirations.

Key benefits at a glance: 

  • A week-long online course, designed for busy leaders

  • 10 hours of engaging live lectures and workshops

  • Access to and analysis of the CliftonStrengths Leadership Assessment (Value 50 Euro)

  • Private 45 min 1:1 coaching session with Anita Zielina (Value 375 Euro)

  • Confidential conversations with a small cohort of like minded professionals

  • Access to the exclusive Better Leaders Lab Alumni Slack space 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and analyze the values, strengths and passions that shape you as a leader

  • Utilize self reflection and strategic approaches to design a meaningful leadership career

  • Learn to implement a framework for current and future career decisions

Instructors and Speakers:

Anita Zielina has coached and advised more than 200 executives, leaders and entrepreneurs. She is an experienced digital media executive, strategic advisor and board member with a focus on digital transformation, modern leadership and management, and product and business strategy. Anita is the founder and CEO of Better Leaders Lab, a Do-and-Think Tank for good leadership and smart management that also acts as a boutique consultancy firm. She is an Executive in Residence at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY in NYC and serves as a non-executive board member at the Austrian Public Broadcaster (ORF), as well as the inaugural board chair of the News Product Alliance (NPA). She holds an Executive MBA from INSEAD and a Masters in Law from the University of Vienna and is an alumna of the JSK Journalism Fellowship at Stanford University and the Reuters Institute Visiting Fellowship at the University of Oxford.

Regular price: 750,00 EUR (+ VAT)

Early Bird price: 650,00 EUR (+VAT)

Information about scholarships can be found in the FAQ. The final application deadline is October 7, 2024. The Early Bird rate is valid until September 9, 2024.

Anita Zielina


Who is the course for?

This course is aimed at any leader wanting to deliberately shape their career path, whether they’re currently at a career junction or simply want to be mindful of future opportunities and directions. While the program is geared towards leaders, participants do not need to directly manage a team. Emerging leaders, experienced solo contributors, consultants, and entrepreneurs are also welcome. This course is not limited to participants from a specific industry but is particularly well-suited for individuals whose work primarily involves intellectual, managerial and/or strategic tasks, such as those in management, professional, or creative fields. Industries and areas of interest might include, but are not limited to, marketing, customer relations, product development, strategy, consulting, media, entertainment, consumer technology, consumer goods, agencies, innovation departments, academia, or the nonprofit sector.

What happens after I sign up?

We will get back to you within 10 days to let you know if you’re accepted into the course. You will then receive the payment details. Payments can be made via wire transfer or via Stripe. Keep in mind that your spot in the program will not be secured until you paid the tuition in full.

Is everyone who applies going to be accepted?

We strive to provide a productive, well designed learning environment. Therefore, we reserve the right to turn down applications if the participant does not fulfill the course requirements.

Where does the course take place?

The course will take place virtually via Zoom in the week from November 18 to 22. Ten hours of live sessions will be spread out over 5 days, and course content will also be made available asynchronously. Sessions will take place Monday to Friday from 11 am ET to 1 pm ET.

When does the coaching session take place?

A calendar booking tool will be made available to participants to sign up for their 45-minute career coaching session with Anita Zielina via Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet. Session slots will be available for 8 weeks starting the week after course completion. Coaching sessions can focus on any career- or leadership-related question and can take place in either German or English.

What’s the CliftonStrengths Leadership Assessment?

The CliftonStrengths for Leaders assessment helps leaders identify their top strengths and how to leverage them for effective leadership. This tool provides a personalized report with insights into each leader’s unique strengths, potential obstacles, and actionable strategies to enhance their leadership capabilities. It aims to improve leaders’ self-awareness, confidence, and ability to guide their teams effectively. The report is suitable for leaders at all levels and includes practical tips for immediate implementation. Participants will do the online assessment independently with a code provided by Better Leaders Lab before the course and will discuss findings during class and, if needed, in their coaching session. 

What other benefits do I get from taking the course?

All course alumni will get access to the exclusive Better Leaders Lab Alumni Slack space. The BLL Slack is a carefully curated community for change makers in the digital & media space who share a passion about good leadership, smart management and innovative strategy.

Are there scholarships or partial scholarships available?

We have a limited number of full scholarships available. These scholarships, brought to you by the Better Leaders Academy Equity Fund, will cover the full course fee for one or several participants who:

  • Work in small and / or emerging organizations that strive to serve communities that are often overlooked
  • and / or: are themselves from a demographic, a socio-economic background or a country that is not equally represented in leadership
  • and / or: are self payers who experienced social hardship
How long is the Early Bird rate valid?

The Early Bird rate (650,00 instead of 750,00 EURO) is valid until September 9, 2024.

What are the conditions for cancellation?

Cancellation is free of charge until October 20. Please write a message to to cancel. Until November 4, 2024, 50% of the participation fee will be refunded. If a cancellation is made after November 10, 2024, the full participation fee is non refundable.

Is it possible to nominate a substitute in case of illness?

Yes, this is possible. In case you need to cancel after the refund deadline due to an emergency, you are free to nominate another colleague to take your place at the course. 

Is it possible to choose another Better Leaders course at a later date if I am unable to attend at short notice?

No, this is not possible. If you are within the cancellation period, we will refund the fee or partial fee and you can book a new course again at a later date.

Is there a discount for multiple people from one organization?

If an organization sends two people to the course, there is a 20% discount for both participants. If an organization decides to send three people, the discount is 30% per registration. Please reach out to us at to discuss company packages and receive access to the discounted offers.

What happens if the course needs to be canceled due to COVID-19 or another unforeseen emergency situation?

We will, of course, reimburse your full attendance fee. Please understand that we can’t be held responsible for reimbursement of potential travel arrangements you might have made.

What can I do if I took the course and hated it?

We are very proud to deliver best-in-class executive education programs, and client satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. In the unlikely case that you finished the full course and are not satisfied with the experience, we will therefore reimburse the participation fee.

If you have any questions about our courses, please contact